Anchor BabiesCongress seems to think that anyone born in the United States obtains birthright citizenship. This is simply untrue as will be explained here.
The 14th Amendment was written to preclude the notion of "anchor babies". Quoted from Riders USA " appears clear that the authors of the 14th Amendment intended only to grant citizenship to persons born here who were also "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States."
The US Constitution already prohibits everyone who is born in the US from becoming a citizen. The "under the jurisdiction" clause of the 14th Amendment already prevents this. All we have to do is enforce existing laws. This clause was added to the Amendment by Senator Jacob Merritt Howard of Michigan who proposed the addition of the phrase specifically because he wanted to make clear that the simple accident of birth in the United States was not sufficient to justify citizenship. Sen. Reverdy Johnson of Maryland, who was the only Democrat to participate in the Senate debate, was even more explicit about the meaning of the jurisdiction requirement: "[A]ll persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power -- for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before -- shall be considered as citizens of the United States."
Since at least 1795, federal laws governing naturalization have required aliens to renounce all allegiance to any foreign power and to support the U.S. Constitution. Such allegiance was never assumed simply because the alien was residing in the United States. This renouncement remains in the U.S. Citizen Oath recited by all new citizens.
Here’s a link to the website where I quoted much of this information: Fourteenth Amendment Debate
Here’s a link defining what was meant by the restriction that Senator Jacob Merritt Howard wrote in the amendment: Original intent of the 14th Amendment.
Conclusion: You are a natural born US Citizen only if you are born in the USA and at least one of your parents is a US Citizen at time of the birth.
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